Opendoor stock has been rising lately along with all other real estate services companies. Investors need to take a step back first and look at what exposure they're getting from an investment in OPEN stock. It's not a property tech firm, it's more like a property management firm. You see, Opendoor acquires homes which then sit on their balance sheet until they're sold for a profit. With gross margins of 10% during good times, there isn't a lot of buffer for when the property market sees a downturn. Last quarter saw gross margins of 5% which might be further squeezed if the bottom falls out of the residential property market. How many people are keen to buy a new house when mortgage rates exceed 7%? We find Opendoor stock to be way too risky for our tastes, even if they were a SaaS model with no exposure to property process. Want exposure to residential properties in America? Invest in REITs instead.
1. Using Blockchain for Commercial Real Estate
2. How to Get Into Commercial Real Estate Investing
Real estate services companies rise
Opendoor's last earnings report
Opendoor's business model
Covenants, debt, and leverage
What will home prices do?
The Opendoor turnaround story
Opendoor cheerleaders
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