The TRUE costs of commercial real estate investing

The TRUE costs of commercial real estate investing

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Publish Date:
February 8, 2023
Commercial Real Estate
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Are you looking to invest in commercial real estate? 🏢💰

Look no further!

This video provides comprehensive advice on the 10 potential costs of investing in commercial real estate that you should be aware of. Don’t let any of these costs take you by surprise.

With our expert advice, you can invest confidently, knowing that we have your back, and will prepare you for all the costs upfront. We also talk about our personalised Wealth Growth Plan and Due Diligence Checklist to help you on your investment journey.

Investing in commercial real estate can be a smart move, but it's important to know all the costs involved.

We want to help you make informed decisions.

Watch this video to get started on your journey towards becoming a successful commercial real estate investor!

0:00 Introductions
0:57 Founder intro
1:30 The costs of commercial property
3:24 Deposits for commercial properties
5:26 Stamp duties
6:27 Legal Fees
8:56 Building and pest inspection
10:26 Body corporate inspection
12:00 Insurances
13:20 Valuations
14:58 GST
17:12 Plans & surveys
19:50 Electrical and plumbing
21:45 How to qualify for commercial property

🎙 Connect with Mish Daniel - Revolve Commercial

Email: [email protected]
Instagram: @revolve.commercial

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