Scott O'Neill from Rethink Investing tells us what the big trusts can tell us about real estate market. He gives us an overview of the state of commercial property in Australia. Recent reports suggest Sydney's office real estate values may decrease by up to 20%. Despite softening trends and the potential for falling prices, there is currently no quick price drop due to a lack of stock available, particularly in the sub $20 million range. Additionally, investor resilience is strong meaning that the market may have already seen the bottom, and buyers are still keen to buy. This is reflected in data that shows increased search volumes year on year and improved retail, medical, and consultancy sectors. While there is a risk for the highly-leveraged ill-prepared commercial real estate funds, there are indications of future demand, particularly in the lower entry-level sector.
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About Scott O’Neill
Rethink Investing was founded by Directors Scott and Mina O’Neill in 2014, with the core goal of helping everyday Australians retire from their jobs. After retiring at the age of 28, Scott and Mina now live off the passive income generated by their personal property portfolio. Their award-winning agency was named Australia’s fastest-growing buyer’s agency in 2017 & 2018 by the Australian Financial Review, a BRW Fast Starter company. In 2019 they won the ‘Your Investment Property’s Strategic Investor of the Year’ award. Scott and Mina are the authors of the best-selling book ‘Rethink Property Investing’. Scott hosts Australia's top-rating monthly podcast, Inside Commercial Property.
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