Why the 2023 Housing Crash Should Be Keeping You Up at Night

Why the 2023 Housing Crash Should Be Keeping You Up at Night

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Publish Date:
April 17, 2023
Home Remodeling Trends
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223 Days. That's how long it's been since home prices in the United States reversed and began to spiral downwards. Since that date, we've had dozens of experts claim that the housing market is headed into a massive crash, one that seems to be rivaling 2008. And this reality was mostly true. Look at any metric comparing the two initial downturns and you would see striking similarities. For example in the 08' crash, the Case-Shiler Index, arguably the most reliable metric we use in terms of tracking values took nearly 7 months, or 7 readings to fall just a tiny 1%. This time around we achieved this in less than 2 months, with the Case-Shiller falling at a pace we have never seen before, much worse than what we witnessed back in 2006. This alarming trend triggered many around the country to panic in regard to housing.

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