2023 Apartment Investing Predictions

2023 Apartment Investing Predictions

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Publish Date:
December 29, 2022
MultiFamily Investing
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The Federal Reserve is raising rates another 50 basis points, the CPI report is showing inflation cooling, and multifamily investors and industry leaders are making predictions for the apartment market and commercial real estate in the year to come. Expectations of a serious economic downturn next year have lessened, and while financing will remain a challenge in 2023, strong apartment demand will continue to make multifamily assets a very attractive investment option.

Sources discussed in this episode:
Bureau of Labor Statistics: Consumer Price Index, November 2022 - https://www.bls.gov/news.release/cpi.t02.htm

Marcus & Millichap: “3 Economic Trends to Watch: 1H 2023” - https://www.marcusmillichap.com/research/videos/3-economic-trends-to-watch-1h-2023

CBRE: “U.S. Real Estate Market Outlook 2023” - https://www.cbre.com/insights/books/us-real-estate-market-outlook-2023

National Association of Realtors: “On the Horizon: Markets to Watch in 2023 and Beyond” - https://www.nar.realtor/research-and-statistics/research-reports/on-the-horizon-markets-to-watch-in-2023-and-beyond

Yardi Matrix: “National Multifamily Report, November 2022” - https://www.yardimatrix.com/publications/download/file/3207-MatrixMultifamilyNationalReport-November2022

Harvard Business Review: “ChatGPT and How It Disrupts Industries” - https://hbr.org/2022/12/chatgpt-and-how-ai-disrupts-industries

For the latest multifamily news from across the internet, visit the Gray Report website: https://www.grayreport.com/

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DISCLAIMERS: This video does not constitute professional financial advice and is for educational/entertainment purposes only. This video is not an offer to invest.