248-Unit 500 Flats In Fort Worth, TX With Wesley Yates, Apartment Syndicator

248-Unit 500 Flats In Fort Worth, TX With Wesley Yates, Apartment Syndicator

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Publish Date:
August 14, 2023
MultiFamily Investing
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Whitney Elkins-Hutten from PassiveInvesting.com interviews Wesley Yates, an apartment syndicator who recently acquired a 248-unit 500 Flats complex in Fort Worth, Texas. The deal was closed in March 2021. He urges everyone to take advantage of brokering opportunities and secure themselves good deals. Despite maintaining an occupancy rate of over 90%, the high delinquency levels necessitate the implementation of effective property management strategies. Wesley offers valuable advice on how to avoid potential issues when purchasing a floating rate. Make sure to catch this episode to gain valuable insights before taking the plunge into multifamily investing.

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