670-Unit Multifamily Portfolio With Matt Faircloth, Apartment Syndication Expert

670-Unit Multifamily Portfolio With Matt Faircloth, Apartment Syndication Expert

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Publish Date:
August 7, 2023
MultiFamily Investing
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Whitney Elkins-Hutten of PassiveInvesting.com interviews Matt Faircloth, an Apartment Syndication Expert, to talk about his 670-Unit Multifamily Portfolio. Matt realizes how easier he could take down larger projects if you've got the wherewithal of the team, the capital raising capacity, asset management, the balance sheet, and more. That is why he emphasizes the value of doing due diligence. He dives deep into how they did that in this deal, along with the surprises, both the good and the bad, they encountered. So grab a pen and paper, and learn the process of acquiring a deal this big in this insightful episode.