9 Different Types of Real Estate Investments | Which Should You Choose?

9 Different Types of Real Estate Investments | Which Should You Choose?

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Did you know if you type in Google Search "Different Types of Real Estate Investments", Google shows 17 different real estate investing options. That is a lot of #realestateinvesting options, am I right?

That is the beauty of investing in real estate, there are just so many options available. However, most real estate investors stick to their #niche and If you are just #gettingstarted in real estate I recommend finding your NICHE.

If you find your niche in real estate investing you'll likely have more success and higher returns over the long haul.

I chose to highlight 9 different types of real estate investments you may want to invest in:

1. Commercial Real Estate
2. Real Estate Investment Trusts
3. Flipping Real Estate
4. Residential Real Estate
5. Long-term Rental Property
6. STR or Vacation Rentals
7. Multifamily or Apartment Investments
8. Wholesaling Real Estate
9. Raw Land Investing


I created this video so you can make more informed decisions on which real estate investing #strategy works best for you. Each investment "class" or "type" has its advantages and disadvantages, so it is important to do your research.

Below are the resources, platforms, and software that I mentioned in the video. The links below should help tremendously:

#commercialrealestate - office buildings, retail properties, industrial properties and multifamily real estate.


#reits - publicly traded real estate investment trusts. Great opportunity for #newbie investors to put money into ownership stocks vs. owning personally.

1. Simon Property Group: https://investors.simon.com/
2. Vanguard Real Estate: https://investor.vanguard.com/investment-products/etfs/profile/vnq
3. Realty Income Corp: https://www.realtyincome.com/
4. Digital Realty Trust: https://www.digitalrealty.com/?utm_medium=paid_search&utm_source=google&utm_campaign=AMER-PS-ONGOING-GGL-GR-NA_Brand-3689&utm_content=e&gclid=CjwKCAiAx_GqBhBQEiwAlDNAZtPMtMc8FqrmzlY01A2gAPCNInr5hJsaI4UTXH0vU6lrnanBUueFwBoCxjEQAvD_BwE

#flippingrealestate - investing in fixer-upper properties below market and renovating the property to sell at a premium.


#residential real estate investing - one of the most common (and my favorite) easy-to-get started and turn a #profit consistently.


#longtermrentals - investing in a house, duplex, or smaller multifamily property that you intend to rent out to tenants on a monthly basis.

1. Zillow: https://www.zillow.com/
2. Realtor.com: https://www.realtor.com/
3. Zillow Rental Manager: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h0tCFeRoZ8A
4. Hemlane: https://www.hemlane.com/

#shorttermrentals - vacation rentals you intend to rent out for a short term. Typically in a location in high demand for travelers or guests.

1. airbnb: https://www.airbnb.com/
2. VRBO: https://www.vrbo.com/
3. Booking.com: https://www.booking.com/
4. TripAdvisor Rentals: https://www.tripadvisor.com/RentalInsights/get-started

#multifamilyinvesting - investing in residential multifamily units, buildings or communities.


#wholesale real estate - investment strategy in which you identify and sells a contract to another real estate investor

1. https://connectedinvestors.com/
2. https://www.myhousedeals.com/
3. https://www.propstream.com/

#rawland investing - investing in land that is uncultivated with the intent of holding and selling it for a higher price (banking on appreciation)


I hope this video and information help you make informed decisions and helps you find your NICHE in real estate investing. Cheers!

0:00 - Real Estate Investments Intro
0:50 - Commercial Real Estate Investing
1:17 - REITS
1:48 - Flipping Real Estate
2:13 - Residential Real Estate
2:40 - Long-term Rental Property
3:31 - STR or Vacation Rental
3:55 - Multifamily Real Estate
4:22 - Wholesaling Real Estate
4:57 - Raw Land Investing
5:20 - Types of Real Estate Summary