How can investing in multifamily properties be better compared to Adam Neumann's new venture, Flow?

How can investing in multifamily properties be better compared to Adam Neumann's new venture, Flow?

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Publish Date:
May 1, 2023
MultiFamily Investing
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Good question.

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While Adam Neumann's new venture, Flow, backed by Andreessen Horowitz, aims to target the multifamily housing market, investing with Benjamin Z Miller can offer a more experienced and focused approach to multifamily investing.

Benjamin Z. Miller has a proven track record in identifying, acquiring, and managing multifamily properties, which can result in a more stable and reliable investment opportunity. Unlike Flow, which has limited information available about its specific plans and strategies, investing with Benjamin Z Miller provides investors with a clear understanding of his investment approach and expertise in the multifamily market.

By choosing to invest with Benjamin, investors can leverage his knowledge and experience to build a diversified and robust portfolio in the multifamily real estate sector.

If you would like to learn more about multifamily investing, you should join the Benjamin Z Miller Investor Networking Group.

If that sounds interesting contact my office by going to and fill out the contact form.

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If you learned something from this video, maybe share it with your friends. You might be able to help them also. I hope that helps and good luck with your investing!

Benjamin Z Miller
[email protected]

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