Is Passive Investing the Right Strategy for You?

Is Passive Investing the Right Strategy for You?

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Is Passive Investing the Right Strategy for You?

In this video, we're going to answer the question: is passive investing the right strategy for YOU?

Passive investing is a popular and successful investment strategy, but is it right for you? We'll review the Pros and Cons of passive investing and help you decide if passive investing is the right strategy for you.

After watching this video, you'll feel better equipped to make an informed decision about your investment strategy!

Today, Vinney Chopra is joined by Dan Hanford,managing partner at

Dan has acquired 2,680 units and has a portfolio valued over $357 million. He also runs a popular group called the Multi-Family Investor Nation and hosts two summits each year.

In the podcast, Vinney and Dan discuss Dan's background in both fields of real estate and medical and the success he has had in multifamily investing.

They also talk about the importance of balancing work with family life and the importance of leaving a legacy for future generations.

They note that their groups aim to build wealth for themselves and their investors by growing together over many decades and not just one deal.

They briefly touch on the topic of COVID-19 and how they kept their investors informed during the pandemic.

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