Multifamily Investing and Other Deals with Chad Zdenek

Multifamily Investing and Other Deals with Chad Zdenek

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In this episode, Chad Zdenek shares his story of getting into real estate, how to make the most of your deals, and the power of real estate to build wealth over time.

Chad has always been inspired by the need for multifamily properties while growing up in Los Angeles. As a registered Professional Engineer and licensed General Contractor, he founded CSQ Properties in order to acquire, reposition and manage multifamily properties throughout the United States.

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1:22 - Chad’s meandering path in real estate.

3:14 - Why is Chad involved in so many different types of deals?

9:15 - Are they planning a long-term hold on this property?

13:41 - What happens if the US loses the ability to set interest rate policy?

17:56 - What’s happening to purchasing power

24:26 - Partnering with other people in real estate

29:29 - The sweet time to get amazing deals

35:48 - Real estate is the best “get rich slowly” scheme out there