Property Technology Strategy and Budgeting in the Multifamily Residential Real Estate Industry

Property Technology Strategy and Budgeting in the Multifamily Residential Real Estate Industry

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Publish Date:
August 25, 2023
MultiFamily Investing
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How should you plan for technology investments in multifamily? The answer is nuanced. Check out this webinar replay where Adam Chen, President of AmenityLinc, explains his consultative approach to working with clients and how he forms long-term goals and partnerships that drive innovation in the residential real estate industry.

Property Technology benefits include streamlined operations, reduced costs, adherence to compliance and ESG mandates, staff retention, and adding value for residents. Where is your focus in 2024? 2025? and beyond?

Contact Adam and his team at for a complimentary initial consultation and solutions demo. We offer partnerships with a mobile-first operational and experiential platform that makes managing properties just a little bit easier.

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