Save Your Cash Home Buyers Most People Will Have A Chance To Buy After This Nick Gerli

Save Your Cash Home Buyers Most People Will Have A Chance To Buy After This Nick Gerli

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Publish Date:
January 4, 2023
MultiFamily Investing
Video License
Standard License
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Most People Will Afford A house After The Crash Nick Gerli Housing Market Crash and Todd Toback
credit Nick Gerli with @Reventure Consulting
I am not a financial advisor. The ideas presented in this video are for entertainment purposes only. You (and only you) are responsible for the financial decisions that you make.
This information is what was found publicly on the internet. This information could’ve been doctored or misrepresented by the internet. All information is meant for public awareness and is public domain. This information is not intended to slander harm or defame any of the actors involved but to show what was said through their social media accounts. Please take this information and do your own research.
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