Understanding a 7% Preferred Rate of Return in Multifamily Investing

Understanding a 7% Preferred Rate of Return in Multifamily Investing

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Publish Date:
March 27, 2023
MultiFamily Investing
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A 7% preferred rate of return means that limited partners (LPs) are entitled to receive 7% of their invested capital as a return before general partners (GPs) can distribute any profits among themselves. This return is calculated based on the LPs' initial investment amount and is paid out of the property's cash flow.

For example, if an LP invests $100,000 in a multifamily property with a 7% preferred return, they would be entitled to receive $7,000 per year (7% of $100,000) before the general partners share in the profits.

Benefits of a Preferred Rate of Return

Incentivizing Passive Investors: A preferred rate of return makes multifamily investments more attractive to passive investors, as it ensures they receive a predetermined portion of the profits before the general partners. This financial arrangement can provide passive investors with a sense of security and encourage them to invest in multifamily projects.

Aligning Interests: The preferred rate of return helps align the interests of both limited and general partners. With this structure in place, general partners are motivated to maximize the property's performance to ensure they can generate sufficient cash flow to cover the preferred return and earn profits for themselves.

Risk Mitigation: A preferred rate of return can help mitigate risks for passive investors, as it prioritizes their returns over those of the general partners. In the event of underperformance, passive investors may still receive their preferred return, while general partners may receive little or no profit.

Predictable Income: For passive investors, a preferred rate of return provides a more predictable income stream. While the actual cash flow may vary depending on the property's performance, passive investors can reasonably expect to receive their preferred return as long as the investment generates sufficient cash flow.

How the Preferred Rate of Return Affects General Partners

While the preferred rate of return primarily benefits passive investors, it also has implications for general partners. In a multifamily investment with a 7% preferred return, the general partners must ensure the property generates enough cash flow to cover the preferred return before they can receive any profits.

If the property underperforms and fails to generate sufficient cash flow to cover the preferred return, general partners may not receive any profits until the preferred return is met. This arrangement encourages general partners to optimize the property's performance and focus on value creation strategies that benefit all investors.


A 7% preferred rate of return in multifamily investing is a financial arrangement that prioritizes the returns of passive investors over those of active investors. This structure benefits passive investors by providing a predictable income stream, aligning interests between all parties involved, and mitigating risks. General partners, on the other hand, must ensure the property's performance meets the preferred return threshold before they can share in the profits, motivating them to maximize the investment's potential.

If you would like to learn more about multifamily investing, you should join the Benjamin Z Miller Investor Networking Group.

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I hope that helps and good luck with your investing!

Benjamin Z Miller
[email protected]


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