Breaking News, December 26, 2023

Breaking News, December 26, 2023

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Publish Date:
December 27, 2023
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Our top story looks at the number of problems Israel is facing with their continuation of fighting in Gaza. Sadly, there is no solution to this war that is "good" for them.

Prime Minister Netanyahu visited Gaza and told the world that it's going to be a long battle. He said contrary to reports, Israel is not close to the end of their military campaign.

These statements are leading to a number of complications including the continual deaths of the Israeli soldiers which is causing more and more people in Israel to question the long-term plan.

Add to this the cost financially.... soldiers are away from their jobs, hundreds of thousands of people are displaced, tourism is dead, and the financial cost of the weaponry is much more than what was originally thought... World opinion continues to be against Israel with support eroding even from its few allies...

All in all they are in a "no win" situation.... Indeed, the world will continue to see them as the "bad guy."

To make matters worse, Hamas has again declared that they will never surrender.

Then there is Iran. They announced that Israel needs to watch out for a huge response to the recent death of one of their leaders by the Israelis. They have also warned they are planning to stop all shipping in the Red Sea ... which would add to the world's economic woes.

All of this fits the Bible's portrayal of the world situation in the "last days." Wars, rumors of war, Israel's continual search for peace but finding none, etc.

To sum up, the stage is clearly being set for the events predicted in Scripture that will result for the kingdom of God coming to the earth.....

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