"People Are Waking Up" And Becoming Motivated Home Sellers | Melody Wright

"People Are Waking Up" And Becoming Motivated Home Sellers | Melody Wright

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July 29, 2024
Real Estate Trends
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On Wednesday I had a private conversation with housing analyst Melody Wright. In it, she revealed how shocked she is by the latest stats that show how the housing market is starting to unravel.

Record-low transactions during what is normally the business time of the year for home sales. Inventory up nearly 30% year over year nationally.

And of ever greater concern, spiking delinquencies -- in some cases, at rates worse than seen during the 2008 Global Financial Crisis.

In Melody's words this is the turning point and "winter is coming" for the housing market.

Not that you'd know it by looking at the median existing home price, which just hit another all-time high.

Is the country really sleepwalking into another housing crisis?

We'll find out now, as Melody kindly accepted my ask for her to join me today for an impromptu discussion on this important topic.

Follow Melody at:

#housingmarket #homeprices #realestate

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