Rough Week For Stocks As Credit Spreads Issue Warning | Lance Roberts & Adam Taggart

Rough Week For Stocks As Credit Spreads Issue Warning | Lance Roberts & Adam Taggart

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July 22, 2024
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Well, portfolio manager Lance Roberts has been warning for a while now that stocks were materially overbought and due for a 5%+ correction.

And it looks like that started this week, with the S&P selling off 3% over the past 3 trading days.

Interestingly, it began with a massive flow of capital into small cap stocks, though that moderated a bit as the week progressed. Whether or not this is the beginning of a Great Rotation from Big Growth into Small Value remains to be seen.

But more interesting to Lance is that credit spreads are starting to widen in lower-quality bonds. This is the first rumblings of concern we've seen in the part of the market that truly matters.

Is a sleeping dragon awakening here?

Lance and I discuss that as well as the likely economic implications of Trump's economic plan, whether the Fed will really cut rates in September, and Lance's firm's latest trades.

For everything that mattered to markets, watch this Weekly Market Recap.

#creditspreads #trumpeconomy #interestrates

0:00-11:10 - Lance's Recent Adventures
11:11-16:55 - Investment Opportunity In Nuclear?
16:56-31:37 - Market Sell-Off & Rotation Into Small Cap
31:38-42:00 - Latest S&P Technicals
42:00-1:27:38 - Reviewing Trump's Economic Plan
1:27:39-1:32:45 - Dangers Of Passive Capital Flows
1:32:45-1:34:23 - Widening Credit Spreads
1:34:24-1:54:42 - Passing The Financial Oversight Torch
1:54:43 - Lance's Recent Trades
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