Where Are Housing Prices Crashing In Canada?

Where Are Housing Prices Crashing In Canada?

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Where Are Housing Prices Crashing In Canada?
Antoine Martel

It's becoming clear that the real estate market is crashing in Canada, with housing prices dropping drastically across the country, but where is it hitting the hardest?

In this video I continue my look into the circumstances that lead to this country-wide crash, the cities that are most affected, and even the positive sides of this crash.

After years on the upward trajectory, Canada’s real estate market is slowly but surely seeing signs of it crashing down, with many expecting that 2023 would spell a bad year for real estate in the country.

The lack of supply for the ever-increasing demand of real estate properties caused housing prices to balloon, but the increasing rates caused many homeowners to foreclose their properties due to the ever-growing expense of owning a home.

Still, for those who are looking to purchase a home, this time of uncertainty can actually be an opportunity to snag a property at a low price. Canada’s real estate market will remain fickle for the next year or so, so keep an eye out for prices whether you’re a homeowner or a prospective buyer.