Distressed Properties: Should You Invest in Them?

Distressed Properties: Should You Invest in Them?

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Publish Date:
February 1, 2023
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Do you agree that DISTRESSED PROPERTIES are often great investments?

Do you believe that the best way to buy these properties is via the MLS?

📌Distressed Properties may have been interchangeably referred to as Foreclosed Properties. Foreclosed homes are a subset of distressed properties. A distressed property is a home that is in foreclosure or already owned by the bank. Many investors seek to buy these properties because they can buy a home below the market value.

👉In this episode, Brian Modansky, Broker Associate of Modansky Homes at EXP Realty, will help us understand what’s happening with foreclosure now and its process; how to make awesome opportunities in distressed properties for a high return on investment, not only for buyers and seller but for investors as well. Jumping out of his car business in 2006, he started his real estate journey in 2007 specializing in bank-owned foreclosures. He has listed and sold over 400 of them since 2006.

Got questions? Listen to and learn everything you can from Brian Modansky!

What You’ll Learn From This Episode:

📌A quick intro to who Brian Modansky is and what got him into the real estate industry.
📌Distressed properties are explained and their interesting processes.
📌What goes into a property becoming a foreclosure.
📌Where can you find foreclosure properties?

📌The advantage of buying foreclosure properties

📌Brian’s perception of what's happening in the real estate market over the next 2 years after dealing with the pandemic

📌Why does Brian call it "The Great Moderation"

📌Homeowners’ struggles experiencing foreclosures during and after the pandemic

📌What does it take for the list pending to be filed to actually become a foreclosure that's on the master and equity list?

📌Factors to consider for investors when investing in distressed properties

📌What is an REO property, how to become an REO agent, and what are the things you need to do when you're an REO agent?

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Connect with Brian Modansky @
📞Phone: 843-628-8910
📧Email: [email protected]
📱Website: https://www.modanskyhomes.com/


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