DON'T Buy a House Now - Robert Shiller Says "Wait" - Housing Crash ? Housing Bubble 2.0

DON'T Buy a House Now - Robert Shiller Says "Wait" - Housing Crash ? Housing Bubble 2.0

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DON'T Buy a House Now - Robert Shiller Says "Wait" - Housing Crash ? Housing Bubble 2.0

The past Tuesday we received the data from the S&P CoreLogic US Home Price Index for January 2023. The data results stated that home values dropped for the 7 straight month, with many west coast metros showing significant declines. This trend will continue as the year goes on. Of particular note, the co-creator of that Index, Robert Shiller, provided some rather interesting commentary about the current state of the Housing Market. He mentioned that we should "probably wait" to buy a house as prices should be more affordable "in about 6 months". His commentary regarding the state of the Housing Market should be noted. I have found that he rarely speaks about the Housing Market and when he does, he is somewhat ambiguous with what he says. If you read between the lines, he is saying that the Housing Market is not recovering and will only get worse as time goes on. It is clear that he will never call out a Correction, Crash or Crisis publicly, however he does not what is going on and where it is ultimately headed.

This channel discusses recent articles, data and information about the Housing Bubble, Housing Crash, Home Prices, Forbearance, Foreclosures and Short Sales.

Additionally there is a focus on Mortgage Delinquencies, Mortgage Rates, FHA Loans, Real Estate Investing, and Housing Market Predictions for 2023 and Beyond.

Today is March 30th 2023 and Randy will discuss the following topics:

Case-Shiller Home Price Index Data for January 2023
Robert Shiller Speaks - Are You Listening ?

Need to See Foreclosure Data ? I have entered into a partnership with the leading provider of distressed property data,

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Housing Bubble 2.0

I will conduct live Q&A sessions and other Real Estate related discussions.

Connect with me to find out more about how I can help you in Real Estate.

I offer:

Primary Home Buying in the Greater Tampa Bay Area
Investment Properties & Turn Key Real Estate Investment Program
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I can be reached at:

Randy Patrick
Licensed Real Estate Broker
WestBay Real Estate, Inc.
[email protected]

The free report for the Top 10 Reasons Why We Will Have Another Housing Crash and Housing Crisis can be downloaded at:

If you have any questions, or wish to discuss Housing or Real Estate Investment, You can reach me directly at: [email protected]

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