Housing Prices Could Crash 40%! Vitaliy Katsenelson

Housing Prices Could Crash 40%! Vitaliy Katsenelson

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Publish Date:
January 10, 2023
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Vitaliy Katsenelson is a value investor well known for his accurate assessments of macro economic trends. Today I go through a recent article he wrote regarding the housing market - and could the current housing market selloff accelerate. To put it simply, Vitaliy states housing prices cannot remain at the current elevated levels with mortgage rates having also spikes. Something needs to give - and this will likely mean even lower housing prices.

The link to Vitaliy's article I referenced as well as his website, ContrarianEdge, can be found here: https://contrarianedge.com/are-housing-prices-about-to-drop-a-value-investors-take/?utm_source=IMA++-+Main+Articles&utm_campaign=e1c3d6ba45-UBER_MONEY_MANAGER_KIDNAPPED_COPY_01&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_f1c90406d1-e1c3d6ba45-152743834

I am not a financial advisor, and it is only my opinions and interpretations I offer. You need to fully understand and investigate any investment decisions you make.

I can be followed on Twitter: https://twitter.com/realLoganMoody

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