How to Buy a House With No Savings? #realestate #chinohills #homeloan #savemoney #gigeconomy

How to Buy a House With No Savings? #realestate #chinohills #homeloan #savemoney #gigeconomy

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Publish Date:
August 21, 2023
Where to Buy
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Want to be a home šŸ” owner but donā€™t have anything saved up? Donā€™t put yourself in a bad spot šŸ˜µ. Put your plans on hold; save, take on more hours or overtime, start a gig job or a business šŸ­. Do what you need to to improve your financialšŸ’°position. Increasing your income while reducing your expenditures will compound šŸ“ˆ and put you in the right place for homeownership sooner than you think šŸ˜ƒ

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