I've got some of my best real estate deals from home owners that were behind or delinquent on their real estate taxes. 👉Get started w/ Jason's tax delinquent real estate system: http://www.noflippingexcuses.com/kris plus black Friday bonuses
Since I get the honor of hanging out w/ the TOP investors in the country, I stumbled into Jason Palliser, the creator of REI Blackbook. He shared w/ me how now isn't the time to be sitting on the sidelines. We're in the middle of an early 1900's gold rush, and you have the shovels for everyone.
The individuals that got rich WITHOUT panning for gold were those that sold shovels. We all want to make money in this shifty market.
At 7:30pm today, We'll be sharing with you exactly how you can get your hands on pre-MLS properties that not even the hedge funders know about.
Our training AT 7:30pm EST today will give you a deep dive into having exclusive leads of motivated sellers that call you, and they aren't the upset calls you get from "spray & marketing."
Attend this training and avoid:
-- Attending boring REO and Tax auctions for deals
-- Driving-for-dollars for hours looking for a "deal"
-- Sending out massive amounts of expensive mailers
-- Cold-calling 100's if not 1000's of random homeowners
Now is the time for you to get ahead of the curve and not have to worry like everyone else chasing down sellers. Instead, you'll have homeowners calling you. I'll see you TODAY! Oh, I promise you don't want to miss this, it's my BLACK FRIDAY BLOCK PARTY!!!! He's got some real treats for you...
Did you miss our previous article...