Part 1. How To Buy Real Estate Properties To Flip With Andrea Peart-Williams | KiddieNomics™

Part 1. How To Buy Real Estate Properties To Flip With Andrea Peart-Williams | KiddieNomics™

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KiddieNomics™ is a fun, informative and free kids webinar series about educating kids age 8 - 13 years old about all aspects of financial literacy.

Our goal is to empower all kids to become Young Financial Literacy Ambassadors to help themselves, family and community to be more financially literate. While developing a healthy relationship towards finances.

Our special guest expert speaker is Andrea Peart Williams. Andrea shows the kids how to be a rock star in understanding how to buy real estate to flip part 1! How To Buy Real Estate Properties To Flip For Kids.

Andrea's Bio:

My experience is diverse from teaching and fostering little ones, to financial services to investing in residential and commercial real estate. I own two corporations and I also partner and co-own a third business with my sister-in-law that is dedicated to helping others build wealth through real estate.

Kiddies will learn:

- On & off market deals
- Distressed properties
- Location, Location, Location
- Analysis of the deal
- How to make money using flips?

KiddieNomics™ says to parents, “We get it! - and we’ll help your kids get it, too!”

Join us each and every Friday for Kids Financial Literacy Friday's with KiddieNomics™. Each week we will present a different topic and have special expert guest speakers.


To join our live fantastically fun weekly KiddieNomics™ Kids Financial Literacy Fridays Webinar at 5pm EST, please register using this link:

How to buy real estate properties to flip Activity:

Using the information learned in this webinar, check out the MLS and find properties that you would want to flip and what the cost would be to do that.

If you would like to contact our KiddieNomics™ expert Andrea Peart-Williams, please feel free to contact her:

[email protected]