Podcast #405: Expert Secrets On Talking To Sellers Comfortably!

Podcast #405: Expert Secrets On Talking To Sellers Comfortably!

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Publish Date:
May 3, 2024
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When you call a seller to talk about a purchase, what do you say right away to get the attention of the seller so they will want more information. Today we will unlock the secrets of engaging property sellers with ease and confidence. After all, one conversation could be your next big deal and if that is not happening, what is wrong? Find out today what top experts do on the phone to get those big deals, so you can compare it to what you are doing, or not. Imagine mastering the art of talking to sellers to make your next big real estate transaction. Learn how to hook seller interest and close deals with finesse. You will soon realize this isn't about manipulation. It's actually asking the art of comfortable communication that feels right for both sides, and when done as we explain today the seller will always feel like you're on their side even though you are steering the deal that works best for you, your buyer, and the seller. Reshape your approach to talking to the sellers and you will shed the uncomfortableness and start making way more deals let's get started now …

Get The Script Here: https://bit.ly/mostcurrentstrategy

Flipping Houses For Rookies Podcast: https://flippinghousesforrookies.com/podcast

Flipping Houses For Rookies: https://flippinghousesforrookies.com/

Creative REI Reply: https://www.creativereireply.com/

FREE Webby How To Do Deals Here: https://www.creativereireply.com/Rookie-to-Consistent-Replay

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