With high housing prices and high-interest rates, it may seem impossible to make any money in real estate right now.
Fortunately, that isn’t completely the case as there are always ways to make money in real estate, no matter what the market looks like.
The lowest-hanging fruit is typically the best place to start, especially when it comes to a market that looks like ours.
So what is that lowest-hanging fruit you ask?
It’s undervalued properties.
Even with housing prices high overall, there are still undervalued properties available - you just have to be willing to do the work to locate them.
In today’s video, Matthew Pillmore dives into everything you need to know about undervalued properties, so stick around!
How We Made $250,000 in 200 Days | Passive Real Estate Flips EASY RETURNS:
► https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gigWmTtl9l4
$75,000 PROFIT in 7 Months From ONE PROPERTY (True Passive Income From Flips in 2023):
► https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JBGJUXRtEP4
To learn more about becoming a PREFER Investor on undervalued property deals, send an email to:
► ** [email protected] **
Please include your name & phone number in your email and 'PREFER' in the email description.
Local Market Reports:
► https://www.nar.realtor/research-and-statistics/research-reports/local-market-reports
0:00 - Intro
1:18 - Understanding the Market
2:52 - Distressed Properties
5:08 - Up & Coming Neighborhoods
6:58 - Motivated Sellers
8:33 - Off-Market Properties
9:55 - Conclusion
Get one-on-one coaching with Matthew Pillmore:
► http://www.FreeCoachingCalendar.com
Get your FREE Cash Flow Cruncher budgeting spreadsheet here:
► http://www.cashflowcruncher.com
It's way more than just a budgeting spreadsheet! Manage your finances completely and easily with the Cash Flow Cruncher, our gift to you just for being a viewer of the channel!
Getting into Real Estate? Check out the Real Estate Investment Analysis Worksheet, a FREE resource that helps you calculate whether or not a property will be a money-making machine for you!
► http://www.investmentanalysisworksheet.com
Want more actionable financial tips and tricks like this one? Check out our YouTube channel here https://www.youtube.com/vipfinancialed
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#realestateinvesting #findingundervaluedproperties #housingmarket2023