Buying A Duplex | What NOT To Do

Buying A Duplex | What NOT To Do

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Learn about the mistakes made in the purchase of this duplex and how you can avoid them. This video shows you how to find, purchase, and manage a duplex as an investment property. It will show the pros and cons of duplex investing. It will also show mistakes made along the way and how to avoid them when investing in a duplex or and multi family real estate.

Chandler David Smith purchased his fourth investment property when he was in his early 20s. This video shows how he found this deal, how he negotiated the price, how he closed on it, and the big and small mistakes he made. The point of this video is to show a lot of the things that Chandler wished he did different. He will talk in detail about the mistakes he made and how he has and will correct them moving forward in his real estate investing. This video will talk about the pros and cons of investing in a duplex and any form of multi family real estate. It will also explain the mistakes Chandler made and the things he would have done differently if he could do it all over again. This video was made to make real estate investing for beginners easier, to alleviate the unknowns of real estate investing, and to show everyone that you have to start somewhere. If you enjoy the video, remember to like and subscribe!

To learn more about a job opportunity for summer sales just as I did, go to:

To learn more about Chandler David Smith and real estate investing go to:

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