How to Wholesale Multifamily Apartments & Find deals | Step by Step with Adrian Salazar

How to Wholesale Multifamily Apartments & Find deals | Step by Step with Adrian Salazar

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Learn how to Wholesale Multifamily Apartments and Find Deals.

Full time real estate investor Adrian Salazar will show you Step By Step how he was able to find off market & value add deals and now he manages more than $3M in assets.

Get ready to take notes. Adrian is very thorough and shares with you how he got started in real estate and how you can become successful too.

Wholesaling is a common way beginner investors get started in real estate. I would suggest you get a mentor because there are some details you will need to have your hand held through your first go around, but with persistence you will eventually be able to repeat these steps over and over and make enough money to fund your next rental property.

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Follow me on IG @rachelligon
Follow Multifamily on F.I.R.E. on IG @multifamilyonfire

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